Netflix loves their fair share of boobies to appear on screen, and so do we. Therefore, we love Netflix. Everybody happy... Now that's the kind of happy ending we can all enjoy, right?
Polish Netflix comedy series Sexify just got released
This brand new Polish show called ''Sexify'' just dropped all 8 episodes of its first season on the Netflix platform. And well, with a title like that, you kinda expect to see at least one or two pair of titties, right? Well, we've got good news for ya... it sure does!The series features Polish actresses Sandra Drzymalska, Aleksandra Skraba and Maria Sobocinska.
The plot of the series: ''To build an innovative sex app and win a tech competition, a sexually inexperienced student and her friends must explore the daunting world of intimacy.''
Or in other words - the show is about a chick that needs to get laid. Kinda like American Pie, but with chicks instead of nerds.

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